Overdraft / Hypothecation Loan
Overdraft/Hypothecation loan is a revolving credit facility that finances the everyday operation of the customers business and fulfills its working capital requirement.
Pledge Loan
The bank provides short term finance up to 6 months against the pledge of inventory (such as sugar, paddy, Jute, rice)
Term Loan
The bank provides long term finance to fulfill the long term credit requirement of the customer. The term loan is provided for project development or for procuring plant, machinery and equipment
Project Loan
The bank provides finance for the development and running of the project. The project loan compromises of the working capital loan and term loan.
Trust Receipt Loan
The bank provides TR loan to fulfill short term finance requirement on import of other than capital items through LC and helps customers to maintain its working capital cycle.
Export Loan
The bank provides export finance facilities against LC, pre shipment packing credit and post shipment loan.
Bills Purchase (Clean bill)
The bank provides finance against Bills/drafts/Travelers Cheque/ Pay Order (negotiable instrument).
Loan for Infrastructure based Industries
Bank extends both Fixed Term Loan and Working Capital Loan. Loans are provided for the establishment, capacity addition, up-gradation of existing facilitates as well as acquisition of existing facilities. The loan is extended to infrastructure based industries such as
. hydropower
. hotel
. cable car
. road and more..
Consortium Loan
Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd also helps financing needs of the project through consortium lending as the lead or a member bank
Mailing Address
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Central Office Singhadurbar Plaza, Kathmandu
Email: rbb.info@rbb.com.np
Post-Box No.:8368,
Email: swift@rbb.com.np
Call Centre
Phone No: +977-1-5970018
Toll Free No: 16600132022
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