Rastriya Banijya BANK
Introduction - Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL)
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) has a history of serving its customers far and wide across the nation for more than half a century. The bank then fully owned by Government of Nepal, was established on 10 Magh 2022 (23 January 1966) under the special statute "Rastriya Banijya Bank Act, 2021" and had operated under "Commercial Bank Act,2031” until it was re-registered as public limited company on 6 Baishak 2063 (19 May 2006). At present, the Bank operates as "A" class financial institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank and carries out commerci...
Read morePawan Regmi, DEO
Information Officer
Phone: 01-5721220 Ext. 2417
Fax: 01-4252931,
Mail: informationoffice@rbb.com.np
Call Center: 01-5970018
Bed Prashad Khanal
Grievance Officer
Phone: 01-5721220 Ext. 1513
Fax: 01-5721233
Mail: gunaso@rbb.com.np
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Currency | Unit | Buying | Selling |
USD | USD | 138.85 | 139.45 |
Euro | EUR | 144.22 | 145.65 |
Pound Sterling | GBP | 173.84 | 174.84 |
Australian Dollar | AUD | 87.60 | 88.35 |
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Mailing Address
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
Central Office Singhadurbar Plaza, Kathmandu
Email: rbb.info@rbb.com.np
Post-Box No.:8368,
Email: swift@rbb.com.np
Call Centre
Phone No: +977-1-5970018
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